Real Estate is Where It’s At. Are You Listening Architects?

First of all let me preface this blog entry by telling you that you should never end your sentence with a preposition. And when in fact I end my sentence with the word ‘at’, it’s always in mockery at the expense of those who should know better but do not. I apologize in advance but people need to know this. People who know me know. Call me an English snob, but after all I have been very fortunate to have lived in the beautiful and exquisite country of England;)

So anyway, it’s no accident that I am a licensed real estate agent, it’s no accident that I have a professional degree in business administration and of course it’s no accident that I am a licensed architect! What I mean is that early-on a light bulb lit in my head and gave me the bright insight that architectural fees are paltry by comparison with the return on investment that shrewd developers realize. However because architecture is my first love, I stuck with it and served my internship time, and successfully studied for, and passed my 9 board exams. Yes NINE! My dear and outspoken Brooklyn-born hairdresser, who has since passed from this life, once said to me in his NY voice, in response to my telling him about the 9 Architecture Record Exams, “What? They don’t believe you?!” Yes Frank, they don’t believe us.

Our profession is so tough. And before you start thinking that I cry “woe me”, really it’s tough. We are such sensitive and bright people. We LOVE design. We sketch, we doodle and back of the napkin drawings are our staple in life. We dream. But when we enter the workforce, after so many grueling years of study (a bachelor’s degree is 5 not the standard 4 years bytheway), it’s quite crushing. I know that every architect who reads this knows what I’m talking about. Fabulous and gifted people leave the profession for this very reason. It could be because we live in a capitalist society, but that’s a whole other SERIES of blog entries. Coming soon Promise.

So recently I FINALLY read a book that I purchased 6 years ago called “The Art of the Deal” by Donald Trump. I bought it in 2004 because I was hyped-up about the first season of the Apprentice – remember Omarosa? Anyway my friend who has read all of Trump’s books told me today that this one is Donald’s best because it’s his first book and the most real. I love this book. Very easy reading. So entertaining! And insightful. I really learned a lot. No kidding. Anyway my point is that deals, and more specifically real estate, is where it’s at. Architects are you listening?!

I am such a proud architect and real estate is where it’s at. Architects know so much more about neighborhoods and people than anyone else. We DESIGN for PEOPLE. After all, isn’t that what Laugier’s primitive hut is all about? About sheltering PEOPLE from the elements? In this new economy, we need to parlay our specific knowledge into real estate. Sure, we may not know the specifics of mezzanine financing but we know neighborhoods and people. We know function, building codes and life safety. And if we’re good, we know how to hire and manage the right people. We can hire mezzanine loan experts. We’re in a new economy people! Forget old business models. Why do you think the top architectural schools have developed their own real estate and architecture programs in the past 5 years? Hello?!

So I want to stress the importance of first, come on architects! Be flexible in your business model. Move with the times! Out with the old and in with the new. Second, architects are neighborhood and people experts; so take advantage. And third, partner-up. Find the right people and work together in harmony. Real estate is where it’s at. Are you listening architects?!

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