Creation versus Evolution? What this Architect Thinks…
Tough question, right? Well, this Architect believes in creation. I’m perhaps the only young architect on the planet who thinks this way; at least the only one that I know. I didn’t always believe in creation. It’s a tough story to believe that the world was created in 7 days because to a rational, educated mind, it just can’t be true, right? Think again. For example, our genetic variability on this earth means that it is absolutely possible that two of each species was on Noah’s Ark. Then all the species, through genetic variability which God created, reproduced and in so doing, they have multiplied to their current existence today. We have 1080 atoms in the universe and one man and one woman have the potential combination of 12000 possible offspring without any one every being exactly alike. Genetic variability is amazing and it is only one example of proof enough to me that creation is real. There’s evidence as well that Noah had dinosaurs on his Ark. We are finally seeing science being used to prove the Bible! Ken Hamm, Carl Kerby and Greg Koukl are intellectuals with rational, educated minds who diffuse the argument that we evolved and we’re just a bunch of particles. No pun intended;)
Best wishes,
CCS Architect
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